
Bleeding after wisdom teeth extraction?

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Got my wisdom teeth out about 10 hours ago. I was put under IV sedation so the past 8 hours or so I've been letting lots of blood drain out of my mouth into the sink (no spitting tho). I also took about a 4 hour nap too and am using cold packs. However now 10 hours later I still have to go to the sink and drain my mouth.

It is not as bloody but still you can see the red tint and some moderate blood here and there. Is this normal?

I stopped using gauze 2 hours after leaving the hospital to allow my teeth the clot.

I do rinse the front part of my mouth, tounge, and lip area (but avoid the mid and back sections of my mouth)

It said no rinsing for 24 hours but I think this is ok.

Since my doctor's haven't called yet to check up on me and I'm a little worried about the rinsing and draining, am I missing something.

Those who are dentists and/or had theirs done can you offer me advice, is bleeding after 12 hours normal?




  1. As a dental hygiene student and an assistant with many years of experience, the oozing of the blood is definately normal.  It's different for everyone.  You can keep the gauze in since that will help you avoid having to swallow or spit the bloody stuff out.  Do NOT rinse at all, not even the front.  No drinking from a straw and no smoking cigarettes.  Any of the above could disturb the clotting process and you could develop dry socket.  I never had them but I am certain they are painful.  When I had mine removed I kept up on my pain med for the first 24 hours and just slept a lot!  Good Luck!

  2. do not rinse wait you will be ok

  3. I kept my gauze in for almost the whole rest of the day and they were still bleeding that night a little bit. I was awake for my surgury with just novocane shots but my teeth were already through the gum so...If yours were cut out it may be different.

  4. Its normal to have a bit of blood in your mouth for days after the extraction. That's the way it went for me. A lot of time it looks like there is more blood than there actually is due to the saliva mixing with the blood. Be sure to very gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water to speed up the healing process. Don't use your mouth muscles when you rinse, just gently tilt your head with the salt water in your mouth and let it drain out.

    Hope this helps!

  5. my brother got his wisdon teeth pulled and he bled all day . don't rinse and keep applying pressure with th gauze. the first day is h**l, and the holes dont close up for about a week. so hang in there : >

  6. VERY daughter's mouth was draining all over the place for hours!  I know she rinsed with salt water too...I just can't remember how soon after.  Don't hesitate to call the office number...(also didn't they give you a sheet with instructions for when you went home?)

    The bleeding is normal..should slowly start to be less and less...but not hesitate to contact the dentist's office if you are concerned.

  7. I stopped bleeding in like 6 hours, my dentist said if the bleeding isn't very light then you should consult ur dentist or go to the ER

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