
Bleeding during long will it last, and etc?

by  |  earlier

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OK I am not sure if I am pregnant or just really late. I am always normal, and last week I missed my cycle day and I was having tons of the pregnancy symptoms almost all of them. I took a test and it was neg. but I was thinking maybe too early to detect anything. My husband and I had s*x last night and now this a.m. I am bleeding and having slight cramps.

It is not like a period bleeding, but more than just spotting. I had some small clots first thing this a.m. but no more. Usually during my period though I bleed really heavy and it will last for almost a week or more.

If it is just bleeding from intercourse and I am pregnant, how would I know the difference between that or a period?

I cannot afford a test this week, but I plan on making an appt. if it stops within a day or two or if the cramps become unbearable.




  1. ok implantation bleeding is basically spotting[may be a lil heavier but no where near a period flow] and is usually brown or light pink. thats about it. if its gets heavier and become bright red with cramps its probably your period or youre having a very early miscarriage..

    but some people do bleed like a period for a couple of hours in early pregnancy. but a period like flow should never last more than that or a really depends on the person!!

  2. It's probably just a messed up period. But if you can't afford a pregnancy test this week you probably don't need a baby.

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