
Bleeding during pregnancy...?

by  |  earlier

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I am 5 months pregnant with twins (fraternal). Last month, I had a regular period. I was so scared that I went to the doctor right away and was told that I may have had a third fetus that miscarried, and that because the babies are fraternal and in separate placental sacs, it probably wouldn't affect them. The third month of my pregnancy, i had some light bleeding, but the doctor just did an ultrasound and put me on bed rest for two weeks. Has anyone ever heard of this? I'm just curious to find out whether I'm going crazy or just simply a high risk pregnancy. And please, no immature or ridiculous answers. I've spoken with doctors, but I'd like to hear others opinions as well.




  1. well i did answer one lady who is pregnant with triplets and had a period....this is the only case where i believe in an actual period as there is more than 1 baby! may i ask did it last long like a period and were you cramping?

    wow im curious 2! the human body is amazing...maybe you did have a third child as if that would of happened to one of the twins you may had miscarried one of them. that seem like the only logical answer...

  2. I had regular 5 day periods until my 4 th month, no complications and my son never kicked much, and no one could feel him except once! I couldn't feel him much until 7 months and he weighed 8 lbs! I wouldn't really worry, if you feel like one of them isn't moving right then I would go to the doctor or if the bleeding happens at a different time then your usual period or if you feel contractions/ sharp regular gas like pains.

    I would also read on this rare but serious condition:

  3. I've read that it's not terribly uncommon to have bleeding during pregnancy, and that while it sometimes indicates a high-risk pregnancy, that's not always the case. It seems like there's a huge volume of literature out there for pregnant women to read that details everything that can possibly go wrong and is pretty alarming. If your doctor told you that your babies probably wouldn't be affected, I'd advise you to try and take it easy- while staying aware of what's happening with your body so that you can take action if you need to.

    Keep your doctor's number handy if you feel you should be seen again, but I hope you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and congratulations on your twins!

  4. my sister in law was almost in the same predicament. she had twins and in the 4th month of pregnancy had light bleeding and thought nothing of it and didn't see a doctor. Two weeks or so later she miscarried. The doctor told her if she had gone on bed rest she might have still had them. Take it easy hun, I hope the best for you and keep rested.

  5. Don't panic. This happened to me with my second child. It was frightening, but the dr just put me on bedrest for a little while.

    I think that, to put your mind at ease, you should let your OB know. You should definietly be taking it easy. I don't think anything is wrong, though.

    Congrats on your twins!  

  6. Its normal for some women to have "periods" during pregnancy. Even doctor cant explain it. Some don't believe its a "period" due to what happen during your period. You can't have a actual period, but its not unlikely to have what looks like a period. Even though most have it at the begging of there period and it just gradually fades away. Its not unlikely. Rare maybe but nothing to stress about, and remember stress can cause problem in a pregnancy. So don't over stress it.

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