
Bleeding in umbilical cord area..?

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my newborn is 10 days now,and there seems some bleeding around the umbilical cord area..Is it normal or would it dry and fall off ?

am concerned now..please share your experiences




  1. My son had a few drops of blood about 4 hours before his fell off.  But even if it does not fall off, if it is only a few drops it is no problem.  Rather normal.  Just keep the area dry, and now most docs recommend not putting anything at all on that area.  Keep it dry, and it will eventually come off.  I know I freaked when it came off of my son and he was only 6 days old. EEK... it was fine.  But a first time mommy will worry no matter what.  Also if you are really worried, in the AM call your child's doc, and I am sure they can either suggest you come in, or explain what is going on.  Also the worst thing that can happen, is a very very simple thing where they just seal the area.  No worries at all.  Just try to enjoy this time they get so huge fast.  :)  Good luck with your little blessing  

  2. my son had some bleeding and seeping there too after the cord fell off.  His ped said he had a granuloma (SP?) in his belly button and used silver nitrate on it.  It's been fine since.  If it doesn't stop or you are worried see the doctor.

    good luck:)

  3. Our son had a little blood around 10 or 12 days, I called the pedi and she said it was normal and fine...just keep using alcohol to clean it up really well and make sure the diaper is folded down so it's not rubbing on the cord...Our son's took about 2 1/2 weeks to fall off...and it was just gone one day! We never found it even though we searched high and low. Best of luck!

  4. It's normal. Just a little irritated. My son even got a few little spots of blood on his clothes, but it was fine- never got infected or anything. Took him 3 weeks for it to fall off tho : (

  5. A little bleeding is normal, keep it clean and dry.  Rubbing alcohol works great and keeps it from getting infected and keeps it dry.  If you notice any puss or foul odor from it though that is sign of infection.  

  6. Sometimes if your baby cries hard the umbillical cord will hemorage (bleed). This is not as bad as it sounds. I would put a bandage over it to prevent infection just for a day or so, then give it some air. It will fall off very soon.  

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