
Bleeding mouth of toddler out of nowhere?

by  |  earlier

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I was holding my 15 month old when all of a sudden there was blood coming from her mouth, it wasn't a lot but enough to make a spot on my shirt. Nothing had happened to her and she didn't hit or bump her self. It just started bleeding and when I looked in her mouth I couldn't see any cuts or bumps or anything so any ideas what this could be. Could she have coughed up blood? But I didn't hear her cough. Could it be cavities ffrom teeth decay? Please help




  1. She probably is teething and cut her gums, lips, tounge, or cheek with her teeth. I dont think she has a disease or not, [gingivitis] .. and it could just be from a  dry mouth and then to miuch friction caused it to cut. But their is nothing to worry about. just clean it up with a towel and then give her some milk .. that should help heal whatever is bleeding.

  2. She probably just bit her cheek or tounge, if it happens again I would call the DR's but if it doesnt, sheis probably fine!

  3. my son has done that before. it turned out that he accidently scratched his gums! it could be something that u just didnt see happen. but if you are concerned about it, i would just call ur peditrician and ask them if he should see her.

  4. it could of been a little blood vesel bursting in her throte or from her nose there conected it could of been from a tooth but as long as your brushing regually theres no problem there if it happens again pop along to the drs as none of us are trained and it could be something were unaware of however just the once i shouldnt worry too much if she wasnt bothered by it

    good luck xx

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