
Blimey, my question was removed, what does that tell you about?

by Guest56932  |  earlier

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This sites owners?

I asked ''Who will police the Police in their march upon London?''

Ok, I added a few other views, but none of them rude, such as, '' Should it be the CND or The Countryside Alliance?'' etc.

The Filth (that could be the reason) get everywhere.


See you in court, and I have CCTV that proves my innocence.

Haha, scum..

Ahem, sorry, the question is...

Why remove my question?

Don't tell me you people have feelings!

Ok, if you do, tell me how a bloke can end up in court for something he did not do, when you know he did not do it.

Oh, hang on, I'll tell you..

He was beaten up by 8 coppers who had to find an excuse for his injuries, so fabricated a story about him attacking you.....


Go on, deleat this one aswell.


Sorry everyone, but I'm a little annoyed about this.




  1. You can't win, you know. Keep your head down and your mouth shut and hope they don't shoot you in the head next time or taser you until you die.

  2. have a star before you get deleted!  Good question though

  3. The police do not deserve another raise.

    The increase in police pay over the last 10 years has outstripped that of all other like for like professionals.Yet the police is the only public sector group that has drastically reduced its recruitment standard so as to include more lesser skilled and educated ethnic minorities.

    So if the police are already in front in pay over similar workers,why should we make the gap even bigger?Do we have an improved service or a lesser service?Do the police solve and prevent crimes or are they now just recognised as Blair/Brown Blackshirts?

    Do the Police really put their lives on the lineof duty,as many emotive speakers would have us believe?Or are they having it easier than at anytime in history,often refusing to break up fights until a risk assessment has been made?

    Lets face it ..they are rubbish.

    Get rid of them and improve the deal when we raise the recruitment bar. Have able officers and police chiefs who are  more than New Labour stooges.

  4. ...........................................

    In spite of a few question marks, this seems more of a misspelled rant than a genuine question.

  5. i will answer it quick before that happens do you still keep stars if q is deleted hope that you doo x*x

  6. Did Mr Spitefull p**s on his own chips today?.

  7. you'd never guess....

  8. OK, I don't think this is my cup of tea.  I thought you guys were perfect.  My bubble burst.  USA over and out.  Edit:  Thanks, I thought you would know or did you.  Anyway, hope it gets better.

  9. cor are having an angry day!!!

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