
Blind deaf rat?

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I just got a full grown hairless rat today and I found that she is definitely blind and most likely deaf. I don't really care, I didn't pay much for her or anything and she is really sweet. But I'm wondering if she will still be able to bond with me and everything because she can't see or hear me. Will she be able to tell me apart from others with smell well enough to get a real relationship with me? I was also thinking about getting her a little friend. Is that still a good idea?




  1. Definitely she will know who you are.  She will recognize your scent and the way you handle her (everybody is different) and the kinds of bumps and vibrations you cause in her environment.  She sounds like she will make a very good pet.

  2. i agree with the first answer. she'll be able to tell you apart and will bond with you stronger, perhaps, as she'll rely on you more when she's out of the cage. and yes, get her a friend. though she's blind and deaf she still needs company =)

  3. id name it Helen


  4. Rats mainly depend on their sense of smell, so your new friend will definately be able to bond with you & as soon as she gets to know you she'll easilly be able to tell you from other people.

    Although she'll love spending time with you, she does need another rat to hang out with, preferably a furred one.  Good luck.

  5. She'll probably bond with you fine. Rats mainly rely on their sense of smell so she'll get to know you by your smells and the way you handle her - it's thought that rats, like dogs, have the ability to smell ,to some extent, hormone changes in your blood that indicate moods so she'll still have an emotional understanding of you whether she's blind and deaf or not!

    I would definitely recommend you get a her a friend though! Another female rat of the same age ought to bond with her fine, and if they're both still quite young you'll find they'll make friends pretty quickly. Rats are highly social animals and they need company to have a good quality of life, having a cage mate will enrich her life and give her confidence despite her disabilities - a cage mate would probably become her eyes and ears and you'll most likely find she'll actually bond with you better if she has a companion rat for confidence.

    Hope this helps! Good luck
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