
Blinking for men and women?

by Guest58644  |  earlier

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I (we) have just returned from a party. Full of really smart but drunk people, in which someone - Twitchy, as we so named him - informed us that women blink twice as much as men. that true? Our reaction was to give him the look we have been perfecting for three billion of our four billion year long lives (raised eyebrow). And if it is true, THEN WHY? And if it's not true, THEN WHY?

Thank you, knowledgeless y!a dwellers. :)




  1. Well, this is interesting:

    A small study (13 men, 12 women) was *just* published in Opthalmic and Physiological Optics, testing a new technique to measure blinks rates, speeds, etc. using a tracking system similar to the way CGI models are mapped for movies. They found that women did indeed blink almost twice as much as men. However, while I appreciate the precision of the technique used, I'd like to see a larger sample size before I draw any conclusions.

    Past studies with much larger groups have shown *no* gender difference. However, these patients were almost exclusively videotaped and the processing of the images for data took place after the fact. So, while the technique may have been less precise, the larger sample sizes mitigate any potential concerns regarding accuracy.

    As for *why* there should be no difference? I can only assume that the eye is functionally the same for both sexes of our species. Therefor, the support functions for that organ should also be the same (i.e. we live in the same environments). It's kind of like asking why both men and women have similar portal vein structures feeding into the liver. There's no survival advantage otherwise.

  2. yah it is true

  3. Why not test the hypothesis out yourself.

    Conduct a series of test.

    Tell the participant you want them to look at a photo for 2 minutes.  Don't tell them what you are really measuring.  Have them old it at arms length, although distance is not important.  As them some question at the end of the timed period just to distract them from your real purpose.  During that time count the numbers of times they blink.

    Have an equal number of men and women, tested in any order but individually.  Don't use any participants who attended or know about the party or know about your interest.

    Report back your results here.

    This is a much better way than asking others.  Let's find out if it is a urban myth or not.

  4. Yes it is true but I dont know why. It is a known fact.

  5. yep thats true

    my best guess why is that girls eyes lose moisture faster than guys do

    but yeh

  6. Yes it is true maybe because and i am using  a theory used on horses when they blink.

    When a horse blinks it means that it is thinking about what it is doing and listening to you (the exerciser). AKA. It uses its brain to interpret information and see what is right and what isnt.

    Just a theory but hey who knows.

    BTW. Women dont=Horses.

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