
Blister on eye??

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So my left eye was i rubbed it a bit.

There is a large "blister" to the left of my iris on the white of my eyeball..its clear looking.......(not the tear duct side.)

Its strange... its like an odd shaped swolen area- I can move my eyeball and see it!! Its aweful!! Doesnt hurt-just burns a bit...-- its this normal? What could it be...anyone have any idea?





  1. The eye ball has a covering in the front, called the conjunctiva. This tissue has different types of cells, some of which produce baseline tears,... the tears that keep your eye lubricated, has antibiotic properties, lubricating properties, acid/base balance properties.  On occasion we'll scratch or tear the surface of this tissue. It will repair itself fairly quickly.

    In doing so, it may 'cover up' some of the normal cells that produce tears or tear products. Those cells don't 'know' this is happening and just keep on producing their tear products like normal. But as they're now covered, they secrete the fluid into a space which will form the cyst like blister you describe.

    This isn't a 'dangerous' thing. It can be removed with topical anesthesia without problems. Frequently it'll just go away. Sometimes one needs to have it 'removed'.  

    This is assuming you've not had any trauma or penetration to your eye where fluid from the inside of the eyeball itself is leaking beneath that same tissue.  Make an appointment with your ophthalmologist. S/he'll have the correct instruments and experience to diagnose and treat it, whether surgically or medically.

  2. My mom has the same thing happen to her when she has an allergic reaction to cats! Could possibly be that something got into  your eye that you are allergic to and when you rubbed it made it worse. Try taking some benedryl and definitely call the dr. to make sure it isnt anything too serious! Hope your eye gets better!

  3. It sounds like you tore your cornea. Get your butt to the eye doctor AS SOON AS YOU CAN. You probably had something in your eye, and when you rubbed it, you injured your eye.

    Get to the eye doctor. Call in the morning and tell them what happened. They'll take you first. It's an emergency.

    And for the love of God DO NOT TOUCH IT!!! Or put on makeup.

  4. It could be a pterygium.  No, it does not sound normal.  Don't take chances with your eyes.  Have an eye doctor look at it.

  5. Damaged your cornea? If I were you, I'd try to get to a doc. as soon as possible.

  6. You shouold get to a doctor right away. You could go blind!
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