
Blisters from breaking in new skates???!!!?

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got a blister on my heel after skating first time in new skates. I know this is normal, and to use bunga pads or make up pads but what can I do so this doesn't happen again?

after I break in my skates, will I still get blisters?





  1. Im broken in and constantly get blisters=P A achilles heal bunga pad rly helped heel them and stopped them. u shud just keep using a bunga pad!

  2. Some people use little pads where the rubbing is(ie little white pads you use to apply makeup) Also if you have leather or leather lined skates, the blisters shouldn't last much longer.

  3. Are the blisters on the back of your heel?  It may be caused by your heel slipping either due to them not fitting correctly or maybe you've got too much sock on.  :)  What are you wearing in your skates?  Thick socks or socks in general can cause more friction, resulting in some nasty blisters.  Wear tights, nylons or knee-high nylons to prevent some of that friction.  Regular cotton socks can tend to wrinkle and bunch up as well, creating more problems.  

    There are a few things you can do to try to prevent more blisters.  Bunga Pads are nice because they're sticky and they feel cool.  Bunga or Slippos also sell ankle "sleeves" which are almost like Ace bandage-type stretchy cuffs that cover the whole ankle and sometimes can be a good barrier between your tender skin and the sides of your boots.  Some come with the gel in front, in the heel or other options are available too.  The problem with them is they're expensive!!!  Back in the day before Bungas and Slippos, my mom took a fuzzy sock and cut off the foot part so it wasn't bothering the rest of my foot.  It wasn't a cotton was softer than cotton, but it did the same job.  She sewed up the edges and I wore them in my skates while I broke them in.  I also wore large bandages.....just the band aids with the larger pad and the big sticky sides.  I put them on under my tights on my heel to protect them.  They don't stay in place forever, especially if your feet get sweaty, but they provide some protection.  Before Bunga, everyone used the makeup sponges.  They're great cuz you can cut them to "customize" them and if they get gross or you lose them, it's not the end of the world because you've got 99 more at home from your Target or Walgreen's pack of 100!  The round ones are great for ankles cuz you can cut the middle out and it makes a nice cushion for the ankle but doesn't add more pressure on the actual bone.

    How are you lacing up your new skates?  New boots are often very stiff, so give yourself a little flexibility until you feel comfortable in them.  Skip lacing the top hole and skip the last hook.  This allows your ankle to bend more like normal.  Once you've got a crease going and they feel more normal, you can go back and lace like normal.  Also if you're not making the ankle part tight, this may be adding to the slipping of your heel.  You may be keeping the boots a little looser to allow for flexibility or because they're new, they're just a lot harder to pull tight.  Allow for flexibility by skipping holes/hooks, but don't comprimise the support or keeping your foot in place by not pulling them tight!  

    Good luck!!  :)

  4. Once you break them in and your skin is used to the rubbing spots you won't gte blisters again. You can get them again IF you take time off then go back..

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