
Blizzard vs. Hurricane?

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which would you most likely survive from: a hurricane or a blizzard? state your reasonings please.




  1. Well of course it depends on how powerful each storm is, but id say a blizard would be easier to survive because there is not a high chance of your house being ruined so as long as you have heat and enough food, its easy to survive.

  2. THe potency of both storms have to be put to account and also it it more likely that a hurricane will take more life since the hurricane is likely to produce tornadoes in sorrounding places.

  3. I live at 4700 + feet elivation in the high mountain deserts of Idaho.

    We have blizzards every single winter (that I've lived here, which is four winters).

    Our blizzards have winds 80mph, with gusts hitting 120 mph.  The temperature outside will drop to as low as negative 68 (F).  Frostbite is a SERRIOUS danger in just 10 minutes.  

    Despite the winds, and despite the cold, blizzards are really no big deal.  The main danger would be snow piling up so high on your roof it collapsed part of your roof.  Usually this does not happen during a blizzard with high winds.  The snow blows off, as much as it piles on.

    Even outside, as long as you are wearing proper clothing, and dig a snow cave, to get yourself out of the wind, you can fairly easily survive a blizzard.

    Hurricanes often happen in places that have toxic snakes.  The snakes are driven out as water levels rise.  Storm surges can travel miles inland and take out houses and livestock.  My Uncle lives in Oregon.  They had a very bad storm there, and the ocean traveled 11 miles up the river, flooded his pasture, and swept his entire flock of sheep and one horse out to sea.

    When hurricanes happen, they often make the drinking water toxic, due to the sea water and/or the sewer water.  Electricity is almost always out.  It is easier to stay warm in a blizzard, than try to stay cool after a hurricane hits and the heat starts.

    Hurricanes are highly likely to cause damage to your home....even take it out entirely.

    Blizzards are no big deal for those with half a brain and even some very minor preperations.  Hurricanes can be completely devistating for even the most prepared of people.

    If the winds are high enough, there's no way to survive a hurricane if you are caught out in it.  In a blizzard, you dig a snow cave, and your completely protected.  Hurricanes turn gravel into bullets, and 2X4's into body piercing javalins.  There is no sheltering from a hurricane outside if you do not have some sort of substantial protection.

    Give me a blizzard any time.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

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