
Bloating after eating during anorexia recovery?

by Guest62603  |  earlier

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im going through anorexia recovery but i seem to get bloated any time i eat or drink ANYTHING! even if i dont overeat! is there a way i can tighten my digestive organs or something so that i dont get bloated? also, how long will it take for bloating to go away? is this normal? help me!




  1. It is going to take some time for your digestive system to get accustomed to being fed again. The sensation of bloat may actually be just the feeling of actually having food after a prolonged starvation. visualization can be used a positive tool in your recovery. After you eat close your eyes and imagine the food as a beautiful color and picture that color working its way through your body from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. As the color reaches each spot imagine it delivering power and good energy and filling you with beauty from within. I wish you the best for a complete recovery.

  2. it is "normal" in your situation.  if you slowly increase your food portions it will help, but your digestive system is out of wack because of the damage from anorexia.  your doc may prescribe a digestive aid to help.  it will not last forever.  good luck with your recovery!

  3. sorry, can't help you. i really don't think that its posible to 'tighten your digestive organs'. all i can really say is talk to your docor about it. he's the one with a medical degree. he's the one who would be really able to help you. all the best in your recovery. i hope it goes well for you!

  4. It's normal-- everyone gets a little bloated after eating. But we generally have lots of padding (fat) so don't notice it. The percentage change is less than if  you're very skinny. It's natural--blood flows to the digestive system in order to begin digesting  your food. And food requires a large amount of water to digest.  

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