Ok so the central AC in the house wont rech to my room (weve cleand the vents and everything but still doesnt work and dont have money for repairs) so it gets REALLY hot in my room in the summer (I can deal with the REALLY cold though, all i need is a hoodie and extra blankets...plus I prefer cold) so I have this heavy black shower curtain folded and tacked to the window, but it still gets SO hot I somtimes have to sleep in the living room, and the the heat literally has the curtain poofing out from the window (like the center i had all the sides tacked to the wall) and You can FEEL the heat coming off the curtain if you put your hand a few inches away from it. So yesterday My mom finally bought me an AC for my window and now its in and working and dramatically changed my normal room temperature, but today (few minutes ago actually) I noticed that its still really warm in here despite the AC (not near as bad though) So what else can i do to block the heat b/c its still could be better.