
Blocked ducts to the point I'm getting no milk when I express despite being very full. Just had mastitis. Help

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I've had nothing but trouble with my left breast. My daughter is 2 weeks old and on about day 3 the nipple became very damaged and extremely painful. I was advised to rest it and express for 48 hours. The midwives were very surprised at how much milk I was making. I put my daughter back on and while bearable still very sore and cracked. The midwives spent a lot of time with me getting her to attach correctly and they were satisfied she was but despite all efforts the nipple on that side always comes out with a flat ridge to the right.

On day 10 I got the shivers and breast tendernes which i knew from my last duaghter was the start of mastitis so I went to the doctor and got on antibotics. I didn't get a terrible dose but was feverish until the day before yesterday. Yesterday I noticed my daughter wasn't draining the left side and was still hungry. So I expressed and saw I was getting only two thin streams rather than my normal 7 or 8 strong ones. Since then I haven't been able to empty the breast, as after 5 mins or so even the two streams packs up even though I'm obviously still full. I've been to a lactation consultant and the doctor. Both said heat packs, showers, cabbage leaves etc but it's not working. The doctor gave me a double dose of antibiotics to ward off another case of mastitis. I'm very worried about that but even more about losing my milk supply altogether. The breast is now red, full and on the nipple over that ridge area there is a yellowish covering. The two streams come from the left of it. Does anyone have any ideas, I'm desperate!!!! Thanks in advance for your time.




  1. you poor thing. that sounds just horrible I too had mastitis but my antibiotics cleared it up straight away. the best way to unblock the boob is for your bub to stimulate it. They are much better at emptying out the blocked ducts. i know it hurts but it may help.

    try positioning the baby in different positions. Try to get the bottom jaw near where the main blockages are, the right side of your breast.

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