
Blocked toilet?

by  |  earlier

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how do you get rid of a blocked toilet???

our drain outside our rented house has been flooded a bit slightly for a while and its quite a whiff coming from it, and now our toilet is blocked.

would this have caused this or is it likely to be be cos of too much toilet paper?

whats the best way of solvig this?

we rent the house should our landlord deal with it?





  1. If it is your problem, you should deal with it. You need some acid to get rid of the blockage. Go to a DIY shop and tell them about the problem. You can buy specialist drain and toilet unblockers nowadays.

  2. from the entrance to the house to the edge of the property is the responsibility of the owner of the house, from the edge of the property on is the responsibility of the water authority.

      the water authority will sometimes take responsibility within  the property boundary but not always.

    so the short answer is the owner of the property should be responsible for the drain and blocked toilet.

    if he has any sense he will be insured for this anyway.

    give him a ring and tell him what the problem is, be assertive and tell him its a major problem and if he drags his feet say your going to have to phone the councils environmental health, that should get him going.

  3. Yes! tell your landlord you have a blocked sewr and tell him to get someone to clear it. Its his property and his responsibility. If he does nothing, then phone him again and tell him if he doesn't get it cleared, you will have to ask the council to do it and send him the bill..It is a health hazard!! give him 3 days to do something.

  4. If the drain outside is blocked get your Landlord onto it, tell him it's backing up into your toilet, which it can do. Tell your landlord if he won't do anything you will ring some drainage company on his behalf and make sure they have his name and address so they can send him the Bill. See how quick he is to do it himself to avoid a huge bill. Hope this is of help.

  5. Let the landlord correct the issue.  If you do something and make it worse it will cost you.  

    I blocked mine before and I had a plumber come out and he placed a snake in the pipe and cleared the blockage in no time.

    Call the landlord, you are paying for these unforseen circumstances.

  6. Lift the nearest to the house manhole cover, and start digging.

    Sounds crude, but your talking serious money to un block the sewer

  7. Unless your lease states otherwise, plumbing problems are usually the landlords problem. I would call the landlord assuming you have already tried the standard plunger and drano tricks.

  8. Get a commercial use plunger from Greingers and you'll see that plunger work like a snake drain opener. LOL a toilet ?? wow. May I ask who took that dump? LOL your next question should be what food should eat from now on. You might wanna install a d**n garbage disposal inside your toilet.. LOL...**** can you imagine that? that **** rocks!

  9. Contact your landlord as it is his problem , DO NOT USE ACID OR CAUSTIC SODA    !!!

    the blockage will be at manhole main drain and could be cleared with rods or jetting machine .


  10. Sounds like the drain outside is blocked to me. We had a similar thing happen where I used to live. When the drain outside got full or blocked none of our sinks emptied.

    You need to phone the council and ask them to do it. If the blockage is before the main sewer you might have to pay, so you might have to take that up with the landlord.

  11. One of my toilets has a ninety degree angle in the outlet pipe so I know exactly what works. Every home should have this kit.

    No chemicals required.

    Link :

  12. haha ur toilets blocked? lmfao deres probably **** stuck dere

  13. You could ask a neighbour if they're having problems which may denote a problem outside your boundaries

  14. no need beating about the bush I agree with Emma C.

  15. Try caustic soda first, pour the whole packet down the loo and leave overnight, then flush in the morning, if this doesn't work call the landlord.
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