
Blod clot in leg question??

by  |  earlier

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im 17 and on birth control pills(the continious method) and my legs for the past 3 days have been achy and having a little bit of pain in them from my calf on down to my only dos it when im sitting or when my legs or bent but if i straighten them then it goes away. i have never had this problem before with my pills unitl i took the continious method could this be a sign of a blood clot forming. and if i stop taking my pills will it stop forming,




  1. The best thing for you would be to stop the pill and call your OB/GYN. Clot formation is one of the adverse reactions a women can have while  using oral contraceptives. Your doctor should have you tested for your Prothrombin time (cloting time) as well as a Complete blood count to evaluate you thrombocyte count ( Thrombocyte= cell fraction required for blood cloting).

    You may have to switch to another contraceptive that leaves you less prone to clots.  

  2. It is probably not a sign of clotting BUT you should have it checked out by a medical professional ASAP.

    All the Best

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