
Blonde joke making fun of blondes hahahaha?

by Guest66951  |  earlier

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A blonde is on a four-engine plane crossing the Atlantic. All of a sudden there's a loud bang. The pilot announces over the intercom “I'm sorry, one of our engines has just shut off. We'll be delayed 45 minutes.”

Suddenly there's another bang. Once again, the intercom clicks on and the pilot expresses his regret that they'll be delayed two hours.

Shortly thereafter, there is another bang and the pilot announces that they'll be delayed 3 hours. The blonde turns to the guy sitting beside her and says, “Man, if the fourth engine shuts off we'll be up here all day.”




  1. I've heard that one before, but it is pretty funny!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Q:A blond and a brunette both jump off a bridge at the same time-

    Which will hit the water first?

    A: The brunette, because the blond has to stop to ask directions.

  3. thats so funny haha

  4. Great joke!!  But who helped her count to 4?

  5. lmao XD

  6. lol.. hilarious!

  7. ok that was kinda funny it made me laugh but not ROFL

  8. Very cool! Ok: what do you call a brunette between two blondes? Answer: translator.

  9. blondes are amazing. hahahahaha

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