
Blonde joke:funny or not?

by  |  earlier

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A blonde quickly went out to her mail box, looked in it, closed the door of the box, and went back in the house. A few minutes later she repeated this process by checking her mail again.

She did this five more times, and her neighbor that was watching her commented: "You must be expecting a very important letter today the way you keep looking into that mail box."

The blonde answered, "No, I am working on my computer, and it keeps telling me that I have mail."




  1. :)  I like it.. here's one

    There are 3 blonde's competing for one FBI job.  All three of them are in the room talking to an agent.  He tells them that he's going to test how observant they are.  He holds a picture in front of the first blonde for 3 seconds then takes it away and asks her to tell him one distinguishing feature about the guy.  She says, he has one eye.  He rolls his eyes, tells her it's a profile picture, and dismisses her.  He does the same for the second blonde.  She says he's only got one ear.  He sighs and dismisses her.  He repeats the same thing for the 3rd blonde.  She says, he wears contacts.  He looks in his files and the man does wear contacts.  He asks, "how could you possibly know that he wore contacts?"  She says, "well, he can't wear glasses..he's only got one eye and one ear."

  2. haha thats great

  3. HaHa

    Good one

  4. that is sooooooo funny

  5. I have heard a lot of dumb blonde jokes but have never heard this one before. Thanks for the laugh =)

  6. Yes love it .. Got to tell all that one thanks.

  7. funny

  8. very very cute

    gave me a laugh


  9. hey, i have heard this one beofre!!!

  10. haha YEA

  11. ok

  12. joka

  13. That's a good "dumb blonde" joke. Did you come up with it yourself?

  14. hehe

  15. haha

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