
Blonde ones....sorry!?

by  |  earlier

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How do you know when a blonde's been on the computer?......

The joystick's wet!

How do you know if a blonde's been on the computer?......

There's tipex on the screen!!

lol Bottom one is my fave.




  1. Very good, I like them both, ha ha ha...!

  2. how do you know if a blond has a blond boyfriend?

    her bellybutton hurts!

  3. how do you know another blondes been on the computer?

    there's writing over the tippex,

  4. I don't get it .... and i'm not blonde

  5. hahahaha.........

    i like the wet joystick!!!!!


  6. well i d0n't get them...

    it may be cause i'm bl0nde = ]


  7. I don't understand any of them... and i'm not blonde i'm brunette! lol

  8. rofl

  9. the question is what exactly???

  10. i dont get them

    well im blonde so that could be why

  11. Tippex is two p's,  certainly could be a blond.

  12. lol

  13. thats to old get new jokes

  14. hahahaha

  15. funny.

  16. HAHAHA!!!!!  thoses are pretty good ones!  

  17. the 2nd on is lol funny :)
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