
Blonde or brunette?which do men find the most attractive hair colour?

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Blonde or brunette?which do men find the most attractive hair colour?




  1. I occasionally notice a woman's hair color, when I look up.

    Mostly, I don't care.

  2. Gentlemen prefer blonds.

  3. it depends on the person, but brunette, usually.

  4. brunette is better  :]

  5. im brunette but i think they think blonde are offense but usully they think blondes are easy.But they like brunettes better for idont know crazy opinion of mine.

  6. i dont usually look at hair colors, i mean blonde brunnete or brown dont matter which one of these to me, i just dont like redheads, and between the three i dont really look that much at the hair itself, unless its short then ewww **** no, but i say, i rather date a brunette, i dont know why i know blondes most underlined most of them are cheap not worth your time and whores, im of coarse talking about natural blondes

  7. i think it doesnt rly matter. but the way isee it is that men care more about ur personality more than ur apperance. if he DOES care about ur hair color, it kinda shows that hes maybe one of the picky types...

    idunno just my opinion =D but honsetly, i think there both beautiful hair colors

  8. It's definitely what's under the hair , that I'm attracted to.

    but I like red heads,myself.

  9. Depends on several things. I'm a sucker for brunettes with blue eyes and blondes with brown eyes...

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