
Blonde people come from sexual selection or from something else?

by  |  earlier

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thrue evolution




  1. Ah, I think I see - there was a story a little while back to the effect that blonde women are seen as sexier because blonde hair supposedly signals youth and health (or at least doesn't 'hide' poor health signals) so that there would be selection pressure in favor of blonde hair.  A lot of these stories kind of stretch to make their point, in my opinion, and I'm not at all sure that this one can be strongly supported; but assuming that it is based on fact, then yes - blondes would be favored by sexual selection (one of the forms that natural selection takes).

  2. They come from their mother's womb.

  3. like the gene for blonde hair?

    it's part of your DNA... i don't get your question. it depends on your family's hair color history

  4. huh? what? their hair color depends on the color of their parents hair, i dunno what your talking about with sexual selection

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