
Blondes or brunetts.... WHY?

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Blondes or brunetts.... WHY?




  1. Western media portrayed the blond as most desirable in the past, embedding in people watching that it was naturally desire able to be blond and to seek a blond mate. It is a form of subtle brainwashing.

    The brunette has come a long way since then, but still almost never get the lead in many teen and child targetted audiences, aimed at the more impressionable youths who carry the assumption that blond is prettier into their adult hood.

    Examples of blond leads with youth target audience:  Zoe, Bring it On and Barbie.  

    I prefer brunette, but this is still not the case for many in Japan especially in the city, who prefer to dye their hair or seek blond mates.

  2. Depends on skin tone & other things, but i have been blonde most of my life & its been an fun life with a lot of attention...being brunette, i liked cause it was different, but i didnt get as much attention, & i missed the ''light'' ''full of life'' look i had to my hair before. so i have been converting back to blonde slowley, im almost there! yay.

  3. Hey everyone, lets NOT group people together based on vague subjects such as hair color.

    Neither are better nor worst, It depends on the way the person looks and acts too.

  4. blonde hands down

  5. i was white i would have brunett hair if i could

  6. Both!  Also, redheads and mixed.  Why, I love women.  Hair color is last in line.  Hair style (does it fit your face and your body), is more important.

  7. I'm a natural blonde.

    And honestly? Blondes. It's more feminine, and it's more rare.

    However I dislike those girls who bleach their hair.

    I can spot a fake from a mile away, not attractive.

    Plus, most blondes have colored eyes and fair skin, I find that to be the most attractive.

  8. Maybe that's why Neanderthals became extinct!

    They could have been the stereotypical "Dumb Strawberry/Ginger Blondes", that we joke about today?

  9. huh? this is why bald is beautiful!

  10. I tend to find naturally darker hair more attractive.

    As a whole, it is of little importance though.

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