
Blood Alcohol Content ?

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I just read a story on Yahoo about a man they arrested and was still alive and his blood alcohol level was .491.

what is average when you are drunk.

i asked my dad and he was a cop and he said the highest he ever arrested was in the . 30's....




  1. I think a good tipsy is around 0.09-0.11 range.  Somewhere around drunk is more like 0.15.  Around 0.20 you are really drunk.  Wasted is about 0.25+.  

    Usually around 0.30 you run the risk of a coma, and most people will vomit before then.  Even though the RI health department says 0.50 is fatal, I read that 0.40 is the LD50, meaning 50% will die from a 0.40 BAC.  

    It would take 22 shots in 3 hours for a 6'1", 190lb man to get up to a 0.491.

  2. Legally it is .08 in most states, but most alcoholics build up a high tolerance so their BAC can be much higher without appearing drunk.

  3. If you are a confirmed alcoholic you get people as your

    dad pointed out who can blow in the .30s. For the average

    person high teens and maybe around 20 21 would make you

    totally ^%$# faced. By .30 you would be in coma and without quick help dead. In 40 years in the insurance business I have

    never heard of anyone with a b.a. of 491 This guy must be

    50 per cent alcohol and 50 per cent water.

  4. Most people start to feel buzzed around .03 - .05...and you usually get certifiably 'drunk' when you're .1 or over.

    .491 is INCREDIBLE. That man should be dead.

  5. Not only was he alive, he had been driving a car.  When they asked for his license, he gave them a credit card.   At .491 he should have been close to death or at the very least in a coma.  Scary is what that is.

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