
Blood Parrot attacking another?

by  |  earlier

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I have a Blood Parrot in which i have owned for about 5 months.

Today i added a second Blood Parrot (slightly smaller)

The older Parrot seems to be chasing the new one all over the tank & seems to be trying to nip at its fins.

When the older one isnt chasing the new one, the new one tends to stay at the corner of the tank.

There does not seems to be any damage done to the new Parrot yet.

I realize that Parrots seem to be a little shy in a new tank at first.

Is it normal for a Blood Parrot to pick on another Blood Parrot.

Will this behavour stop in a day or two or should i take some king of action?

Please do not answer this question unless you have had Blood Parrots in this similar situation yourself.





  1. Hello,

    I haven't had any Blood Parrots, but I do know that some fish are very protective of their "territory". They may get used to each other, but if they don't you'll need to separate them. Trying to stop fish from fighting is no easy task. Have you tried to google "How to Stop Fighting Blood Parrot Fish?" If not, I suggest giving it a try.

    ~~~♥Lil' Pookie♥

    P.S. The reason I answered this: No one else did. I wanted to help ya'!

  2. It happens sometimes with them.  The ones I have are all very docile and peaceful with each other, and I've never had any problems like that.  But, I have heard some horror stories as well, even worse then yours :)  One thing you can try, move the decorations around in the tank.  That's a common suggestion when you're introducing new cichlids in an established tank.  It kind of confuses them, and makes them have to re-establish their territory.  

    If that doesn't help, give it a few days and see if the one calms down.  If it doesn't, you may need to get rid of one or add a tank divider for awhile until he/she gets used to the other-if he/she ever does.  

  3. Do what Tiki said for now.  It's hard to offer more advice as the tank size is unknown.  If your tank size is too small, and I'd say anything under 45 gallons, changing the decor is going to be ineffective at this point.  It's just not enough space for them to avoid each other.  You have to consider this too.  Parrot's are a hybrid cichlid, and you may have two males.  Generally, males in any water of origin cichild just don't tolerate each other very well.

    The petfish article posted simply shows why you should go to places like for help as that point of view, while maybe correct on the mouth aspect completely fails to address the point that the stress itself is just as big of a concern as the mouth.  Yes, fish can die of a heart attack, and constant unrelenting stress will just as easily kill your fish as a mouth of teeth.

  4. The link below is very, very informative.

    Blood Parrots will often fight each other all day long, doing little damage because of their useless mouths and weak swimming, and then when it is time for them to sleep they will all congregate to the same cave and spend the night without incident, only to pick right back up where they left off the next day.

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