
Blood Pressure?

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I am 14



157 pounds

I have a blood pressure of 153 and 91

My Pulse is 71

I was hoping to get answers on why its so high and what i can do to reverse it. ( No drugs or natural herbs just routine daily activity)




  1. You have borderline high blood pressure.  The bottom number is the one that the doctor is really concered with.  At your age, it should be in the 60's or at the most 70's.  I would suggest that you cut back on your salt intake, exercise everyday and lose some weight.  Do close family members (mom, dad, grandparents, aunt, uncle) have high blood pressure?  It can run in families and sometimes, no matter what you do, your blood pressure will always be higher than it should.  It can just be genetics.

  2. The first question to ask is: how do you know you have this pressure? How did you get the figures?

    I think if this pressure was taken as part of a medical checkup it would have been discussed with you and some form of treatment given.

    If you took the reading yourself there are many possibilities to explain it:

    1. Home blood pressure machines can malfunction or show bad results if used incorrectly.

    2. Readings should be taken in the right position, at rest and relaxed. If you took a reading after physical activity it could easily be this high.

    3. Blood pressure machines in drug stores can also malfunction. The results also depend on how you use them.

    Now, if your blood pressure reading was correct there are several other possibilities:

    1. There is no single "blood pressure". It changes constantly depending on time of day, activities, etc. One high reading does not make "high blood pressure".

    2. Were you under stress at the time, nervous, tired, hungry? These can all cause an unusual reading.

    3. To know for sure if you have high blood pressure you need to confirm it with several accurate readings over a period of time.

    So my advice is to, first, make sure your readings are correct. If you are using a home machine make sure to read the instructions carefully.

    Second, take a number of readings over several days. Make sure you are rested and relaxed at the time.

    Then, if your pressure remains at this level you need to see a doctor. Blood pressure this high at your age is very unusual and needs urgent attention.

  3. Running is the BEST overall exercise. And drink plenty of water.

  4. How's the rest of your family? High and low blood pressure run in my family. If I'm the weight the charts say I should be, I get dizzy standing up after sitting in a chair because my blood pressure is sooooooo low.

    If my weight is a bit high, then my blood pressure is way high. However, my grandfather who had high blood pressure his whole life (and was never skinny) lived to be 96 so it's no big deal.

  5. Do you drink a lot of caffeinated drinks? Energy Drinks?

    do you exercise? If not, get to it.

    Also, talk to a Dr.
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