
Blood Sugar Level in my 2 1/2 year old son??

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I was wondering what my 2 year old sons blood sugar level should be roughly? He had a finger prick test today approx 3 hours after having a large bowl of porridge, which the result was 4.2? from the information i have found on line this appears to be low?? am i correct? if somebody would kindly answer me i would be most grateful!!!





  1. A "European" reading of 4.2 is approximaetly 76 in American readings.  This is on the low side of normal.  "Normal" should be right arround 100 American / 5.5 European.

    My concern is that the meters have a norml variance of plus-or-minus 20 points American, depending on the strips used, the age of the meter, and the age of the meter's battery.  

    So if you meter was reading HIGH, it is quite possible that his actual sugar reading was very low -- down to as much as about 55 American / 3.0 European.  levels THAT low could be deadly.

    Age had very little do do with blood sugar.  ALL ages should strive for sugars in the range of 90-110 American / 5.0 - 6.0 European.

    Note this nice metric conversion "tool":

  2. Much before u worry, u may, please, go in for  II opinion and the reading taken 3 hrs., after a large bowl of poridge is not the correct indicator.

    U may consult another physician and get his[ur child's] urine, fasting blood sugar, post lunch [90 minutes] sugar levels, etc., tested.

    even if for juvenile diabetes, we have time tested acupressure, diet, exercise, nature cure, ayurveda to take care of j.d.

    with best compliments from    

  3. Personally, I hate it when ill informed people toss up their credentials obviously knowing very little about what they're talking about.

    You're son's blood sugar is fine. The normal range is 3.8 to 6.1.

    If the other answerer had done their homework, they would have realized that there is more than one unit of measure. Clearly, you're using the international mmol/l standard whereas the paramedic has only been schooled in the US standard of mg/dl.

  4. As A Paramedic Of Six Years Specializing In Pediatric Trauma His Blood Sugar Is Low Definitely. Please Consult Your Pediatrician Immediatly

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