
Blood alcohol levels?

by  |  earlier

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i was looking at my ex's police report and in the box where it says blood alcohol >= 0.16 is has a level-5 and on another charge it has just the number 6 is that 5 and 6 times the legal limit and what does that translate to on the point scale?




  1. Ponits on his license thats all.

    .16 abl is twice the lagel limit

  2. nope its the points on his licens

  3. .5 is in most states legally intoxicated.

    5-6 times that is 3.0 almost legally dead.

    Like stated above points scale for licensing information.

  4. Well I'm not sure what the 5 and 6 mean, probably something that is used for whatever record that state keeps. The blood alcohol level 0.16 is the amount of alcohol in the persons system. For instance in my state (WA) 0.16 is twice the legal limit which is 0.8. So if a person had a level of 0.24 they would be three times the legal limit.
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