
Blood builders and blood thinners mixed?

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I am 4 months pregnant and I recently went to a new Dr. for a check up. He gave me a whole list of medicine mostly vitamins and supplements. I was put on a blood builder since they see that I am beccoming Anaemic although previous blood tests show that I wasn't and I was also put on Aspirin specificly as a blood thinner, to prevent clotting that could effect the placenta. Both once a day and the blood thinner at night. I started taking the blood builder yesterday and I had a severe the most severe migraine that I ever had and it relieved a little when I took the blood thinner but didn't help though. My question is, is it safe to be taking both of these medications especially while I'm pregnant. I'm mostly concerned about the blood builder and also the effects of a heavy blood flow then all of a sudden a thinning blood flow can have on my blood vessels over a long period of time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.




  1. Your blood builder is probably iron +/- folate, B12, which is designed to help anemia or to keep your blood counts up during pregnancy. Your needs are higher during pregnancy and hence the supplementation even if your counts start out normal. You are not going to create "heavy blood flow" by building your blood up with vitamin supplements under these circumstances.

    The aspirin you are taking is to keep your blood from being prone to clotting- it specifically inhibits your platelets from functioning properly (platelets are one component of clot). Whether you need to be on this or not is best determined by your obstetrician. Aspirin can have bad effects on pregnancy (which may be less important at baby doses (81 mg)), so there should be a good reason for your doctor to have you on this (if you don't know, ask).

    You can have normal blood levels and have blood that is too thick or too thin just like you can be anemic and have blood that is too thick or thin. Assuming your obstetrician feels you specifically need to be on aspirin, you should not wreak any havoc on your bloodstream by doing this with your "builder."

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