
Blood clotts??? please help me answer this!!?

by Guest66918  |  earlier

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my mom has breast cancer and she now also has a blood clott in her neck and the doctors said that it could go to her brain at any time..and she couldn't get her chemo therapy today because of it.

and i was wondering what would happen if the blood clot does go to her brain, like what would she have to get done?

and what could it do to her??

i just really want to know because i dont want to ask her because im afraid of the answer being that she might die.




  1. She will not have a brain aneurysm. What could happen: it could cause the same thing as a heart attack...except to her brain (which is called a cerebral vascular accident (CVA). Basically, the clot could travel to her brain and block the arteries providing blood (oxygen and nutrients) to her brain. This could then "kill off" a portion of her brain. The severity of this would depend on where the clot landed (which area of the brain.) She could have minor to serious outcomes from this. One possibility is death.

    The good news is that the doctors already know about the clot. Many people do not know until it is too late. Some people could be having a CVA, but the time it takes to figure it out, much damage can be done.

    The doctors are aware of this now and there are things that can be done. No matter what, keep your faith and hope, ok? Your mom can get through this!

  2. sounds like she has a clot in her carotids.  Basically if a piece of the clot breaks off, it will travel in the blood to the brain where it will obstruct blood flow and cause an infarct.  aka "stroke".  as what will happen, it depends where the clot (emboli) travels too.  what part of the brain it affects and what that part of the brain controls....speech, movement, language....  She should be on warfarin to help prevent this and go to a vascular surgeon for angioplasty or even an embolectomy.

  3. Okay... I am sorry to say this but if the blood clot goes to her brain she could die of a brain aneurysm. She needs to go to the hospital now! They can shrink it and give her blood thiners. Please take her now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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