
Blood contains a substance known as ? , which is able to absorb oxygen.?

by Guest55601  |  earlier

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What is the (?) ?




  1. Wishbone is right.  Hemoglobin does not absorb oxygen.  It is a carrier molecule for oxygen.  There is also oxygen dissolved in the plasma, but it is a very small amount compared to what is carried on hemoglobin.

  2. Haemoglobin

  3. hey r u not familiar with " haemoglobin" which carries o2 and co2 in u r body . this is the 1 responsible to carry o2 , which binds it and transports it to body parts . i would lke to tell even more as it shows 2 components - "HEAM"{ binds o2} and "GLOBIN"{ protein part}

  4. Hemoglobin. Plus it doesn't absorb oxygen it binds to it and forms a compound that transfered to the tissue. And when it reaches the needed tissue it disassociate libertating oxygen.

    Hemoglobin can also bind to carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

  5. hemoglobin

  6. Haemoglobin, it is able to carry up to four molecules of oxygen. It is the Heam protion of the molecule that allows a red blood cell to carry oxygen. The red blood cell can give up the oxygen to tissues that need it.  

    Notably, the haemoglobin also carries carbon dioxide.

  7. What you are looking for is hemoglobin.  but is doesn't absorb O2... it reversibly binds with O2 and CO2.. to transport oxygen to the body and to transport carbon dioxide to the lungs.

  8. Hemoglobin is the one that absorbs oxygen and delivers it to the cells in the body...

  9. blood contains gives the red colour to our blood.they are able to absorb oxygen

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