
Blood donor? I give blood regularly. Do you, and if not, why not, apart from health reasons.?

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Blood donor? I give blood regularly. Do you, and if not, why not, apart from health reasons.?




  1. I used to go but the last few times seemed to make my other health issues far worse. I stopped going as a result.

    p.s. I suffer from gout!!!!!! Hurts like h**l.

  2. Bob,

    Why when it is not needed

  3. I've donated numerous times.  However last time I was rejected.  I had been in parts of Costa Rica that caused me to be ineligible to donate.  I was so sad.  I'm glad because I know that they are serious about not taking possible bad blood, but it stunk being rejected.  Oh well, I'm clear from that one year ban so I can go donate soon!

  4. I have donated blood before.  However it takes a really long time for my blood to come out and I am uncomfortable around needles.  I have a pretty heavy class load too, so it's not really been one of my top priorities to donate blood.

  5. well i want to, and taken the lil quiz on their website and a year ago i couldnt but next time they are stationed somewhere i can get to i aim to go

  6. I've always been afraid of needles.

    But I recently overcame that fear, and am now a blood donar.

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