
Blood during s*x--first time?

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It was my first time having s*x and I heard that it can hurt, but my bf saw some blood and that worried me. I thought that maybe I had my period but it was just a little and he said that it's probably because of the stretching. A bit later there was a lot more blood and I thought that maybe I was about to start my period, but I've been reading up on it and it seems like blood is normal.

I thought I got my period early, but now it doesn't look like it is. Am I ok? Is this normal? Could it be my hymen and the start of my period or just the hymen?

I got nervous since I thought I got my period and I thought it stopped and being my first time, I was like I hope I'm not pregnant, but we used a condom, so I should be good right?

Add sources if any please and thanks for any advice!!




  1. Blood is normal on your first time. Your hymen was broken, right? So that means it's normal for you to bleed. It's possible that you got your period early, but It's probably because of your hymen. There's nothing to worry about! ^_^

  2. he broke your hymen

  3. yes its normal but not all girls bleed but its totally normal your okay as long as you used a condom then everything's okay he popped your chery thats all

  4. its normal

    the hymen (or whatever its called) tore. its normal.its like meant to happen

  5. you shouldn't be having s*x if you don't know whats going on you teeny bopper.

    look up Hymen in the encyclopedia

  6. That's normal.  But know that you don't have to continue in this lifestyle.  God loves you so much!

    Check out this question:;...

  7. its called popping the cherry its fine its probably not a period it usually happens

  8. you are okay and it is normal.

    it happens to every girl there first time.

    it's called popping your cherry.

    it should only last a little while.

    -no worries. (:

  9. It was because your hymen broke.  Most girls have bleeding the first time they have s*x.  Girls that don't usually were horsebackriders or something of the sort.  The first time I had s*x I didn't bleed because I rode horses everyday and my hymen broke because of that.  But, it is completely normal. Don't worry about a thing.

  10. i researched just for you! lol we breifly discussed this in a health class  i took  but heres the link and it case it doesn't work i'll copy and paste it! i Hope i helped!

    &A: What Caused Vaginal Bleeding During s*x?

    QUESTION: I had s*x over the weekend. I was very intoxicated, but I was very clear that I wanted to participate. I woke up to see blood on the sheets underneath us. At the time I couldn't figure out where the blood came from. I was not in pain nor was I expecting my period. The last time I had intercourse before this was about a month. I have gone longer without s*x before and did not bleed. This is not my first time having s*x, nor is it my first partner. What could have happened? Is it possible that I finally had my hymen break? Or is it possible that he penetrated too deeply? Is it an allergic reaction to the condom or the lube? I am very embarrassed by this and very confused. I regret being drunk and I am embarrassed by bleeding and then not being aware that it was me. It is a very awkward situation and I don't know how to face him again.

    ANSWER: There are many possible reasons for bleeding that occurs during or after intercourse. Since you have previously had intercourse before, it is unlikely that you "broke" your hymen (the hymen is a thin layer of tissue that partially covers the vaginal entrance and is filled with blood vessels, thus causing bleeding in some women when it first tears due to penetration). The hymen may tear from various types of penetration including intercourse, vaginal fingering, or insertion of a s*x toy. The hymen does not "grow back" if you have not had s*x in a long time, as is sometimes mistakenly believed.

    It is possible that you experienced some vaginal or vulvar (outside parts of the genitals) tearing during intercourse. If it was a small amount of blood, it is unlikely that you would have experienced much pain. If there was a large amount of blood on the sheets, then one would usually expect some pain or discomfort, though perhaps the alcohol dulled the pain at the time and it was resolved the next morning. We know that alcohol lowers inhibition, and it may actually work against your physical arousal, making intercourse more difficult and leading to tearing.

    When women have tearing around the entrance of the v****a, or just inside, healthcare providers sometimes prescribe specific antibiotic ointments in order to reduce the risk of developing an infection. Therefore if you think you may have tearing inside, you might check in with your healthcare provider so that he or she can exam you (tearing, by the way, happens to many women at one time or another). Why might tearing occur? It often occurs during rough penetration or when a woman is not well lubricated ( e.g., if you did not spend much time in foreplay before having s*x or if s*x went on for a long time, both of which can occur while intoxicated as couples sometimes jump into s*x and a man's o****m may be delayed or not occur at all, thus making s*x take longer than usual).

    Though women can react from a hypersensitivity or allergy to condoms or lubricant, these are unlikely to cause such bleeding. Another possibility is that one of you may have had a cut elsewhere (i.e., on your knee or hand). That happens sometimes too, with couples mistaking it for vaginal bleeding.

    Whatever the cause, this is actually a fairly common occurrence and nothing to be embarrassed about (though we understand that it can feel embarrassing at the time). It sounds like you have learned a bit more about how you feel about s*x, drinking, and mixing the two, as well as communicating with a sexual partner. It is common for men and women to find it difficult to discuss sexuality (particularly when they are relatively new to s*x), and it can feel even more challenging to discuss sexual topics if you don't know each other very well. Because vaginal bleeding during s*x happens to most women at some point, many couples take it in stride and move on. If you feel like you want to discuss it, you might start by letting your partner know that it feels awkward for you to talk about it, but that you'd feel better if you could. Best of luck.

    GOOD LUCK! :)

  11. It's just that your cherry has popped, its a pressure point that gets hit the first time of intercourse. This is not your period starting early, if you used a condom then your alright ask your boyfriend and make sure it did not break.

  12. Yes, it's normal.

    Haven't you heard the expression: "popped cherry"?

    Only the first time, though.

  13. Normal...don't worry and just remember to be sure to use a condom ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!

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