I was giving my cat a bath the other day and after I dried him off a bit myself, I left him in the shower to continue to dry out with some food and water, and when I came back, there was some blood near the drain... that was this past Thursday... I thought nothing of it and thought he had maybe tried to jump out and accidentally cut himself a little (he was fine when I got him out from the shower). Well, today I just got home from a 2 day trip to Monterey, CA, and I went to replace the litter in my 3 cats' litter box and there was blood in it. I'm a little worried... what could it be? I have a feeling it's coming from my male (the one I bathed on Thursday).
I'm thinking I should wait it out a few days and keep checking the litter, and if there's any more blood I'll take him to the vet.
So yes, my question is, what is the blood likely coming from? It looked like it came out of a urethra and not an a**s because the blood was near urine and not f***s.