
Blood in new puppy's stool...should I be worried?

by  |  earlier

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8 week old Yorkie...has been to vet, negative for worms, got second set of shots two days ago at the vet too. Has been eating and playing and napping normally. The only thing different is that I have added an occasional Milk Bone dog biscuit to her normal diet of Purina Puppy Chow (which the vet said was fine to keep her on). I didn't ask the vet about the Milk Bone dog biscuits but I got the puppy sized ones. Do you think this caused the problem? Or is it something else? The other

stools she had today were normal, no blood, and were soft formed stools. The last one that had the blood in it was not really diarrhea, but looser than the last ones. I will call the vet tomorrow, but I am worried tonight if my puppy is ok or not. Help. Thanks.




  1. I would Keep a watch over night on it and take it to the vet in the morning this could be Parvo.  

  2. call the vet:he/she will ask you to bring a stool sample from the puppy.I have seen this in puppies and kittens(bloody slimy stools) most of the time its a parasite called Giardia.

    Older dogs don't get too sick from it, but little pups get quite sick:upset stomach,cramping and blood loss.

    Giardia is really small:only visible under microscope.Be careful, wash your hands:people catch it too.Treatment is a pill for10-12 days(Flagyl)

  3. She has probably developed coccidiosis.  When a puppy is stressed like vaccinations or going home for the first time in the car etc.  this microscopic parasite (sometimes hard to find even when the vet looks at the stool) is present in most animals.  

    If she is acting normal in every other way like a puppy, and it's a small drop or two this is most likely what the vet will find on the second exam.  Put some of that fecal with the blood into a small baggie and have the vet look at it and he will determine just exactly what it is and what medication to prescribe.  Most likely will give "Albon"

    Don't worry too much, this is treatable and with about 8 to 10 days of meds that she will readily take orally, she will be o.k.

    The milk bones etc. are fine. They don't cause this type of reaction.

    This is the most common thing that happens to puppies and very treatable.  Sounds like she will be o.k. for tonight, just take her in tomorrow and let your vet check her out.  

  4. As long as your pup is drinking plenty of water to keep itself hydrated it will be fine until tomorrow when you see your vet.

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