
Blood in urine, I have a kidney stone..?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I read on a site about kidney stones, and it said once you see blood in your urine, then the kidney stone has breached the urinary track. Now they also said that if you feel like you have to urinate and bearly go, then the kidney stone can be blocked?

Well I feel like that sometimes, but I go more than just a little bit at most times, but my urine is more of a brown color now? Is it blocked? What do I do?

This is the first time I have ever had blood in my urine, and my first time having a kidney stone.. I'm super scared and am very nervous..




  1. You should see a doctor. Blood in the urine isn't quite normal... Every case is different and it might be a kidney stone... or something else. By the way, you should drink lots of water to clean your system. I wish that you'll feel better.

  2. if you had a kidney stone you'd know. If it were blocked you would be in complete agony... a lot of times, kidney stones are very sharp. And while they are in the kidney, it scratches up the insides and thats what causes the bleeding. go to the doctor and see what they say. they happen to alot of people...i wouldnt worry. Also, blood in urine could be a sign of kidney trauma (punch, kick, etc.) if you were hit in the kidneys, thats something that should definitely be checked out.

    Dont be super scared or nervous, youre going to be fine. trust me:)

  3. First of all, you need to go to a doctor to have a CT or an ultrasound done to find out exactly where the stone is located and to keep track of it as it moves down the ureter. The fact that you have visible blood probably indicates the ureter (the tube between the kidney and the bladder) is being irritated by the stone. The fact that you are not complaining of severe back, side or groin pain is a good indication that the stone has not yet blocked off the urine flow. But the only way to be sure is to go see a doctor, preferably a urologist.

    My husband has had kidney stones in the past, and most of them have made their way out on their own with only moderate discomfort to him. But he did have one that had to be taken out with a basket extraction. This is where they slide a small catheter up through your p***s, bladder and into the ureter and capture the stone in tiny graspers, then pull it out. It can be done as a same-day procedure with sedation, and removes the problem immediately.

    My suggestion is to see a doctor sooner rather than later because of the blood. If your urine becomes clear and you aren't having pain, the doctor will probably wait and see if it passes on its own, so don't be all worried about surgery. But if it sticks, gets hung up somewhere, you could develop an infection or other serious problems.

    good luck.  

  4. I had a kidney stone a few years ago, but I didn't have any blood in my urine beforehand.  What happened to me was I woke up about 3am and had to go to the bathroom. As I sat down to go, I got this very painful hamstring cramp as well as a cramp in my lower back. I stood up and tried to straighten my body as best I could for the cramps to go away. Tried to sit down again, and they came on again(even worse), so I tried to go by standing up. It wouldn't come,so I tried to force it and eventually the kidney stone passed, but when it did, the pain was so intense that it caused me to faint and when I did, I whacked my back and my head on the tub/shower. I ended up going to the hospital and was out of work for a week, but the Doctor told me that to prevent kidney stones in the future that I should drink 1 of the following on a daily basis:either 1 beer, 1 glass of wine or 1 shot of hard liquor. He said a kidney stone is salt that has clumped together and the alcohol in any of those drinks will prevent them from forming. Haven't had any kidney stones since. Here's to a good nightly drink!....

  5. It could be a kidney, or bladder infection.  If it was a stone you would know.  It hurts BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  See a doc for sulfer meds to remove the infection.

  6. It sounds like maybe more then a kidney stone. I would make an appointment with my doctor to find out what is going on.  It does not sound normal to me

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