
Blood pressure??????

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In a person with normal BP averaging 110/70...How concerning are readings taken over several hours ranging from 155/88 to 161/93. The patient was also complaining of "just not feeling right", lightheaded off and on and headaches, general tiredness and weakness, was very restless. Patient also has a mitral valve prolapse and family history of early heart attacks-both parents before age 50.




  1. See a doctor!!!!!!

  2. If the average "normal" BP of this person is 110/70, then that's a good thing.  However, when someone doesn't "feel good," or they are stressed by illness, emotional state, etc., then it is not uncommon for the blood pressure to elevate.  It appears the elevated BPs that you speak of were only for a short while (several hours), and I assume they went back down -- that's a good thing.  But in the larger scope of things, BP reading like those are NOT likely to do any harm whatsoever.  It has more to do with SUSTAINED elevated BP that is not treated or diagnosed for many months to years to potentially cause harm or injury.

    Given the family history of this person, there is probably a concern to do more advanced testing.  Renal Ultrasounds, labwork that includes testing the thyroid, as well as others are certainly indicated here.

    Best of luck!

  3. I did a google on "labile blood pressure" and seemed to point to emotional stress - the lightheadedness and headache could relate to the blood pressure.

    Doubt the mitral valve problem is related, but does sound like a workup is in order, including information on if the patient is eating and drinking enough, etc., perhaps as well an echocardiogram or stress test.  

    Above site also suggested anti-anxiety medication if BP medications not helping.  
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