
Blood spot on fish?

by  |  earlier

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Well, we just saw that our fish has a blood spot (or what it looks like a blood spot) on its head. I have a picture, so click on it and tell me what you think it could be and how we can get rid of it. Thank you so much!!




  1. he has a cut. all you can do is keep him in a seperate aquarium or even  a bowl.  it just has to have clean, healthy water and nothing sharp.  look for products to keep it from getting infected and wait.

  2. sushi

  3. You have to determine if it's a cut from ornamental items in the tank.  If not and it looks flat and red it's probably the start of ammonia burns if his tank is insuifficient.

    Test your main tank water now with a liquid drop test kit for ammonia and nitrites these need to be flat 0 otherwise fish burn and suffocate - eventually to death.

    Correct your tank water (this will only work with partial water changes and Seachem's Prime) and will also only be effective if this guy has the proper, adequate home of 20 gallons with a 40 gallon filter.  Anything less it cannot support the bioload and these fish always die from stress or disease from too small an environment.  Additional goldies only require 10 gallons of additional water and filtration after the first one.

    If you can separate him (if there is additional fish in the main tank) get him into a clear plastic rubbermaid container of at least 20 gallons with a 40 gallon filter and treat him with Seachem Prime, Melafix, some aqua salt (the correct dose!) and hold off on foods a couple of days.  If you see no improvement try and anti-biotic but this does not seem parasite related.  It could be an ulcer from a bacterial infection but again, this is caused by poor water quality in too small a tank and could be treated with Melafix.

    Good luck : )

  4. It looks like a scratch.  Check out what you have in your tank. Is anything a little sharp or maybe too low? It'll heal itself in a week or so.
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