
Blood test before Period is due....?

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My friend wants to do a blood test to see if she's pregnant on thurday and her period is due on you think it can show if she's pregnant so soon already.




  1. A blood test is the best way and yes she'll be able to tell. Most take home pregnancy tests are ones you can take 4 days BEFORE your period so she could take a pee test too.....blood is more accurate though.

  2. Sensitive home pregnancy test can tell you 5 days before your missed period date.  A blood test is even more sensitive.  So yes, she can test.

  3. 10 to 12 days after she had s*x, she can take a at home pregnancy test, and it will tell her!! Good Luck

  4. My blood came back positive 5 days before I was due, but a hpt was also picking up the pregnancy that early as well.  Blood is much more accurate then a hpt

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