
Blood test question....pleeeeasse help!?

by  |  earlier

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Got bloodwork done last friday which was the 25th day of cycle. Trying to conceive for about 8 months with no results. My FSH was 1.2 and the progesterone was 18. The Dr. said progesterone should have been somewhere between 16-30 and that 18 was good but she would have prferred somewhere around 30. She sais the FSH should have been atleast 1.5 for that part of the cycle. How does FSH affect fertility? Is it something that can be corrected?

Second question is i was expecting period on the 16th august but got it early on the it seems like i had bleeding the last 2 days and now it seems like it has stopped after 2 days. Whats going on? I usually have a 4-5 day period and my cycles are pretty regular at about 30-32 days. I had a pap done on friday...would that effect my period?





    Here is a link to some info on FSH.  Yes, you can be treated for low FSH levels.  About you cycle, could just be an odd cycle.  Yes having your pap done could affect your period, The insertion of the swab into your cervix could of caused some bleeding, and prematurely opening your cervix before your expected period.

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