
Blood test results needs intepretation?

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can u intepret my blood test result?

Test Result Reference Range Units

RBC 5.79 4.5 – 6.0 x 10^12/L

HGB 140 130 – 180 g/L

PCV 0.42 0.40 – 0.52 L/L

MCV 71.6 80 – 100 fl

MCH 24.2 27.0 – 32.0 pg

MCHC 337 315 – 345 g/L

RDW 14.7 11.6 – 14.0 CV

PLT 189 140 – 400 x 10^9/L




  1. This is not a diagnosis nor am I positively correct.  But after looking this, everything looks to be within normal range except your MCV and MCH.  

    The MCV being low indicates your red blood cells (RBC) may be smaller than they should be thus this could be contributed to being anemic or having an iron deficiency.  

    As for the MCH, I believe it is the RBC volume divided in half and thus your number is a little lower than range meaning the hemoglobin (which carry oxygen) in your red blood cells may be low.

  2. I agree with belllina

    Your hemoglobin is normal as are your platelets.

    Still there may be a hint of iron deficiency pending as your MCV is bordering to low and indeed MCH is below the norm as well.

    MCV means Mean Corpus Volume (actually the average volume of a red bloodcell which is expressed in fento-liters) and this volume can be small (also known as microcytosis) due to a lack of iron.

    MCH (Mean Corpus Hemoglobin) is the average amount of hemoglobin (which carries ao oxygen around) in a red bloodcell.

    Causes of iron deficiency anemia could be invisible loss in the gut or heavy periods or even postoperative.

    Having said that your Hemoglobin is normal (HGB), but I don't know what the reading was for instance a month ago.

    It may be wise to have the test repeated to get an better impression.

    What was the indication for this bloodtest?

  3. MCV 71.6    80 – 100 fl

    MCH 24.2    27.0 – 32.0 pg

    Smaller RBC than usual, so of course less hemoglobin per cell.

    Mild iron deficiency anemia can cause results like this. I'd have to see the blood film to tell.

  4. Usually with iron deficiency anemia...your hemoglobin would be low. Your hematocrit is not listed and that might be another indicator of anemia as well. Your hemoglobin however is normal...but as one said before, has it been ongoing?  Has it remained the same?  Some people just have small red cells.  You would need to have your serum iron level and total iron binding capacity to diagnose iron deficiency.

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