
Blood test shows low hcg levels??but hpt comes up positive?

by Guest58602  |  earlier

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i did 3 home pregnancy test (different brands) which all came up with very faint positives, they were barely i went to the doctor the next day and showed him the tests, the doctor gave me another urine test which he said was negative,then sent me off for a blood test,and was told to come back the next day for the that night i brought another 3 pregnancy tests which all came back wiith stronger positives but not that dark. the results from the blood test showed very low hcg levels, the doctor didn't tell me what they were but he mentioned that i'd only be a few days pregnant, but if thats the case why was i getting positive home pregnancy test??he wants me to go back in a few days for another blood test to check if my levels are really scared because this is my second pregnancy my first resulted in a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks,so im really worried that i'll lose this one too. and i also have the flu really bad.has anyone had this happen to them and what was the result.

and i have also been having pregnancy symtoms which is why i tested and the day the blood test was done i was 7 days late. i also had spotting 11 days before the blood test which i thought could be implantation bleeding. sorry for the long description.




  1. all i can give you is my own experience...In feb 08 i had the same thing 3 test all faint, i didnt think anything of it b/c i know no matter how light they say its positive, i went to the doc he next day did the blood b/c when we did a sonogram to confirm pregnancy we couldnt see a sac. I did the blood on a tuesday and miscarried on thursday ( i was exactly 6 weeks) the blood from tuesday and the blood from the hospital thursday were already lower. It also explained not seeing ther sac. My advice is to tell the doctor to give you a sonogram ( if he wont for any reason you can go to the ER tell them your having pains or something) i would think at 7 days late you would get s stronger positive and i have nevr heard of being a few days pregnant. but you new know and i hope the bst for you i just wanted to give you my story, you can also pray and wait the few days for the blood to be re done i think you have to wait 48 hours. good luck

  2. One hCg level won't tell you much. What they are looking for is the increase of hCg. In a pregnant woman it should double every 48 hours. That's why you were asked to come back. I saved my results from Labcorp when I found out I was PG and it has a chart on it. It says:

    Female (Non-pregnant) <10

    Female (Pregnant)

    1D - 1wk   5-50

    1-2wk   50-500

    2-3wk   100-5000

    3-4wk   500-10000

    4-5wk   1000-50000

    5-6wk   10000-100000

    6-8wk   15000-200000

    As you can see, hCg levels get pretty high. Try not to worry yourself sick. If you are PG, that's just added stress to your new pregnancy. My Dr had me redraw every 3 days to check how the levels were going up. If it is not a viable pregnancy the levels may go up, just not at the correct rate.

    **Edit** Ask your Dr what your levels are exactly instead of just giving you 'you'd only be a few days pregnant' then you can educate yourself via the internet and such about what your levels mean. Good luck to you!!

  3. i got a hpt positive at 5 dpo, went to the doctors and got a neg. urine, did a bloodtest and me levels were at 47, so they wanted me to come back for more bloodwork, in a week i ended taking a total of 10 positives hpt's went back to the doctors the following monday and my levels were 327 still too low and they were trying to prepare me for a miscarriage, i told them i wasnt thinking like that i was trying to be positive, then the following monday my levels were 1927 and the week after that 3600, so im 11 weeks with a healthy baby and higher than normal hcg's now. dont give up just yet! i'll be praying for you !  

  4. Yeah, really long question with a simple short answer.  Do what the doctor tells you.  Time will tell if this is normal pregnancy or not.  Nothing you can do at this point but wait and the flu has no effect

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