
Blood tests = bruising?

by  |  earlier

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I was having my blood tests done, and the nurse told me a few seconds after putting the needle in that i was going to have a bruise. How did she know this?




  1. It all depends on the blood test and the person. I get blood tests all the time (actually had one yesterday, in fact), and sometimes I bruise, sometimes I don't. The phlebotomist (person who does the test) does their very best to make sure the needle goes into the vein correctly and doesn't create any extra holes, but sometimes the vein just seeps more blood out after the needle comes out, or the needle was moved around and put stress on the vein, you can also get a bruise.  

  2. Because she's a nurse whose done it before?

    Maybe you have fair skin

    I always bruise from blood tests

  3. you can tell by the way your vain reacts to the needle

  4. I don't know for sure, but i think it depends on where the needle goes. During my blood test, i had to put constant pressure on the area where the needle was for three minutes. The nurse said that if i did not, it would bruise... Hope this helps. :)

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