
Blood type possibilities?

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I have A+ blood type, and my mom is O-, my dad is B+. Is this possible? I thought that there has to be two A's or an A and an O in order for a child to come out A+.. but my dad is B not AB




  1. Genetically speaking, it's not possible. As you are probably aware, for you to be A+, your dad has to be A+ or AB+, not B+.

    I would probably try to confirm that these blood results are true, but keep in mind of the situation you might be faced with if these blood results are correct, and whether you are ready for it.

    I don't think it's likely that a genetic mutation has caused you to be a B blood type in this situation, however - this you'll have to confirm with a geneticist or a doctor who is knowledgeable in this area.

  2. As stated, that is impossible. The chances of a mutation from B or O to A are negligible, and the only thing which can change a person's DNA after birth is a bone marrow transplant. EDIT I forgot the chimera, but that's also very rare.

    So either one or both of your parents isn't your biological parent, or one's been mistyped. It does occasionally happen that certain sub-types of A (and AB) get mistyped as O (and B). See There are also a couple of very rare blood types that throw off the A/B/O tests. If your mum had Bombay blood, for example (see Wikipedia).

    To be honest, the most likely option is that someone hasn't told you something, but there are a few other remote possibilities. If your parents plead ignorance, you're all going to need some kind of blood test to work out what's happened.

  3. The + or - on a blood group isn't to do with what ABO blood type you are but whether or not you carry the rhesus factor (an antigen) on the surface of your blood cells.  But other than that, yes it is impossible if your parents are B and O to have an A group child; they can only produce B or O children.  Please ask them to check their own blood types before you get too worried...

  4. Well, I'm no expert, but here's my situation. Father is O+. Mother is A+. Twin is A+. I'm O-. Paternal grandfather is O-.

  5. YES it is possible, but in rare cases, this is possible if either of the 2 parents is a chimera, meaning he has a different sets of genetic material activated for somatic and gametic cells. Therefore, you should look at the blood type of your grand parents as well, whether their genetic material contains the A locus. Do not give up hope, there is also possibility of mutation  

  6. It's not possible. I know this sounds horrible, but in 9th grade in biology class our teacher was telling us about blood types and one boy argued with the teacher saying how he was an A blood type and his dad was B and his mom was A. It turns out that he was adopted. He was devastated. :(

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