
Blood typing at donation?

by  |  earlier

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My husband is going in on Friday to donate blood at a Red Cross Blood Drive. He doesn't know what blood type he is. Will they type him before he donates or is this something they do later with the donation and will then notify him of the results???




  1. They will send him a card in the mail a few weeks later with his donation card and blood info

  2. Red Cross usually finds out the type and tests for disease(HIV, Hepatitis) before the donation.

  3. Yes, the Blood bank will type his blood and  most likely will send out a card stating his blood type- it takes a few weeks for it to come in...

  4. If he does not know, the Red Cross will type his blood and send him a blood donor card in the mail which will include his blood type.

    Donating blood is a very honorable thing to do - be proud of your husband for saving a life.

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