
Bloody show, or just spotting after exam?

by  |  earlier

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Im 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant, I had an exam today, and im 3 cm dialated. Later today I started feeling really sick to my stomach, and very cold. I have been spotting blood with mucous now for a few hours, and its not stopping, so am i in labor, or just seeing reprocussions from the exam today? Oh this is my second child, and i didn't have this with my first




  1. Sounds like it could be labor.  Take it easy and watch for contractions.  When in doubt call your doc on call and see what they recommend.  

  2. it could honestly be either a bloody show or just from the exam.

    cramping after an exam (espically if they do an internal) is quite normal

    even if it a bloody show though, labour can still be a week or more away. (i had this happen to me)

    good luck with your labour and congrats!

  3. I had my exam today as well. My doctor said that I may see a bit of blood or not. It's just from them being up there checking things out. But if you are feeling uncomfortable than give him/her a call.

  4. probably from the exam i had taht happen and they said it can last for up to a week and to do no heavy lifting and no s*x until bleeding stops but make sure you mention to your doc next time

  5. I am also 39 weeks. I had my last exam to check for dialtion at 38 weeks. I did not have much spotting...but i did have alot of cramping after. I also felt really tired. But i wasnt in labor. I then read up on aparently is normal to feel different after an exam. They are tampering with a seal that is not yet ready to be opened. haha. If the spotting continues for more than a day or 2....i'd call your OB.



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