
Bloody show at 26 weeks?

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Has anyone else had a bloody show at 26 weeks? How long was it after u had the show till you went into labour? My ob said my cervix is closed but is short and wasn't expecting me to go full term anyway but she gave me no indication of how much longer I could be pregnant for.




  1. tell your doc that you are feeling uneasy about it, ask to come in to be checked, and ask them to do a fetal fibronectin test (not sure if i spelled it right). this will tell them the probability of whether or not you will go into labor within the next 2 weeks.

    till then, my advice, is take it easy, dont worry yourself about it (cuz the baby can feel your stress) and get plenty of rest...

    good luck.

  2. if you have any kind of bloody show you need to go to the HOSPITAL ASAP!!!!!!!

  3. even though you've had the show you body can regenerate it. mine did 3 times. and i never went into labor she was taken c-section.she was too big to come out

  4. I had a blob of like snot (no blood) at like 30 weeks ... but I didnt know about the "show" so i didnt think much of it ...

    Ask your doctor ... perhaps you are further along than your doctor says

  5. Yes you can show at 26 weeks and go on to give birth at 9 months or a little sooner. Check with your doctor about it ,but don't panic because it is not abnormal to have show at this time. I'm sure you and baby will be fine. Hang in there! Good luck to you and God Bless!

  6. I have, it's normal

  7. This was my experience.  I started blood clotting at 25 weeks.  I went to the hospital they sent me home.  The condition continued.  I packed a bag, made my dad take me back and RAISED HOLY h**l and made them keep me.  By the way, I was having contractions for two days and did not know it...Anyway, they tried to stop the contractions, kept checking me, and my water broke.  My son was born that night.  If I had not made them keep me, he would not have lived.  I am sure of it.  So, to answer your question, and your case may be different because you don't mention contractions, after the bloody show he was born less then 24 hours later.  I was told I had a short cervix also later on.

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