
Blow the earth up...?

by  |  earlier

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My friend said to be that scientists are working on a experipent to split the world into 4 by using a bomb aparently this 'Bomb' is 63 miles across and took 73 years to make.

I proved him wrong by saying

1. To meany people would be against it.

2. There isn't anywhere in the world where they could put the bomb.

3. Why the h**l would they want to do it?

Is all this true?

Who is correct?




  1. I could point out the factual inconsistencies like 73 years ago was before the discovery of nuclear fission in 1938 or the development of the fusion bomb in 1951. I could point out that a construction project for a bomb 63 miles across would dwarf the Three Gorges Dam in China, currently the largest engineering project ever. I could point out that such a project would be impossible to conceal from satellites. Even if done underground the spoil piles would rise like a new mountain range.

    Consider that if it were true, then why is your friend still alive. Why are you? Both of  you know too much, and now, d**n it , so do I.

    I am sorry to tell you, but you are entirely too gullible to have believed this tale for an instant.

  2. Yeah... your friend is really wrong - why would scientists blow the earth into four pieces?  It wouldn't help them or anyone else, and would probably kill everyone with the force of the explosion.  

    Now what is interesting is there actually is an experiment to detect very small atomic particles using a huge particle accelerator, and one theory is that it could cause a black hole and suck the entire earth into it.... that's slightly more realistic at least. :)

  3. I just hope it want happen don't worry about it to much don't want to stress for nothing if it's real then it's just destiny be cool :D

  4. Something like that would be pretty much impossible to build.  He did not say how big the other dimensions were on this thing but if it is a sphere that is 63 miles across then it would be the largest thing that humans have ever built.  That would be 130,924 cubic miles.  That amount of space would need 9.94960157 × 10^15 tons of TNT.  I have no idea where people would even get that much TNT.  Lets say there were factories producing 1,000,000 tons a day of TNT.  That would take 24,712,188,123,148.  That is 24 trillion years!  The earth is only 4.5 billion years old.  It would be impossible to gather the amount of explosive necessary to fuel this thing.  That alone is evidence enough that this is not true.  There just is no way to build something like this.

  5. friend is probably kidding...i mean...cmon really :P

  6. your friends are tards

  7. time to clean the earth

  8. you bro!!!

  9. Tell your friend to back up this info, get his sources and then repost.  Right now neither one of you have anything here tangible to respond to.

  10. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Your friends an idiot.

    You cant split the earth into 4 pieces, its got a liquid centre.

  11. i say blow it up, the h**l with this place

  12. today's world sucks..

  13. there isn't a bomb 63 miles across.

    perhaps your friend has confused bomb with things like accelerators?   which can be many miles in length or diameter -  but they aren't anything like bombs - they don't blow up.

    tell you friend you either need a name of the facility, the name of the town, or a description of what time bomb this is.

  14. your friends are trying to fool you, its correct that in the past many stars were broken and make their way towards earth but we are lucky that none of them hits the earth, if any of them would hit the earth the damage would be far more than you friend said.

  15. Something that large would be impossible to hide ... if it existed we'd all know about it.
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