
Blower motor stops working completely sometimes...?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes when I crank my car the blower motor does not work at all but I can turn the car off, restart it and blower starts working again. This has happened about 5 times now in the past month, I don't know what to check on the car. I was thinking the resistor but the way it comes and goes is throwing me off. Can anyone help?




  1. You need a new blower motor.  Sometimes a worn motor will develop a bad segment on the commutator of the rotor.  This segment will be a "dead" spot and no electricity will flow through the windings.  Vibrations from driving the car may cause it to move slightly and then the motor will start running again.  It happened to me on my van.  It drove me crazy trying to figure out what was wrong.

    A new blower motor with the squirrel cage fan isn't that expensive.

  2. It seems to me you are right in thinking that the resistor circuit is not the problem. That only controls the different speeds. The fact that the blower comes on says it probably is OK, so this sounds like the usually  bad ground or high resistance connecting for the supply power to the blower. The blower pulls a high amperage and often taxes connections that were marginal when new. About the only way I have solved these type problems would be to get a 12Volt test light and a wiring diagram and start with the place you have power and follow it until you don't. (Easier said than done, but that is how a mechanic will trouble shoot the problem). Lots of wiring diagrams on the net. It is possible also that the blower motor brushes are sticking, but not very likely. You could test this by lightly tapping on the motor when it is not running. If it starts, that may be the problem.

  3. check the plug-in, then if it,s good, then the motor is hanging up and getting ready to go.

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