
Blowgunning, just a question.?

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My question is, I'd like to know how many people actually have or shoot, or know about blowgunning as a sport. Blowgunning, is going to be an Olympic sport soon. Blowgunning is, fun, accurate, and good for your health believe it or not. Blowguns are cheep, ranging from around 10$ to 40$, and can either be used for competitions, or for killing small game. Here's just one link to shows you all that blowguns have to offer, there are MANY different places to see other blowguns or darts This is not a plug, because I have no part in either of the links I just posted, but I would like to know how many people have a Blowgun, Shoot it very often, Or if there's people that didn't know that you can hunt, or my favorite, compete with them. PLEASE let me know how many of you have, or might be interested in something like this. Also let me know, if you didn't know that Blowgunning is a sport, a fast growing sport, that will hopefully be in the Olympics one day. Thank you for your responses.




  1. Well Tebs, I just happen to be a member of the A.S.B.A. (American Sports Blowgun Association) myself, and I can tell you that Japan and their organization has around 30,000 members.  Thats not including Germany, France, Great Britan, USA, and many more.  All of these countries are striving to make blowgunning an Olympic sport.  It may not happen in the next four years, but in about 16 years or so, I guarentee that it will be an Olympic sport.  The IFA sets the standards for each country.  And they are the ones that are talking with IOC to make blowgunning part of the Olympics.  Being a top contributer one would think you would do a little research before posting such a smart elic reply.  Great question Hoosier Dad.  I gave you a star.  Maybe we will meet at the Olympics one day.  :)

  2. Blowgunning ! Olympic sport ? Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha.H...


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