
Blu-Ray or HD? What's the diff and is one better than the other?

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Blu-Ray or HD? What's the diff and is one better than the other?




  1. Here are the things you need to know.

    1-Blu-Ray (or BD) and HD DVD are capable of 1080p resolution, matching the highest resolution TVs available (for now. Some higher res TVs are coming.) Some people thought that HD DVD had a better quality but that is because early on BD hadn't gotten their stuff together. The new BD releases and HD DVD really look about the same. BDs extra capacity sometimes means better audio though.

    2-Both are capable of higher quality audio than standard DVDs, but your receiver requires an HDMI connection to take advantage of it.

    3-Along with enhance audio capabilities, through HDMI you can get improved picture from your standard DVD on either player.

    4-Both have a greater capacity and bitrate than standard DVDs. HD DVD has about 30 Gigs per side and Blu-Ray 50 Gigs. Both organizations have said that greater capacity versions are in the works, 51G for HD DVD and 100G for BD.

    5-HD DVD is kind of an update of DVD and is promoted by the same group that first promoted DVD. BD is new and is structurally more different including a tougher scratch resistant layer making them more durable.

    6-Blu-Ray enjoys support from Sony, Warner, Disney, Fox, Buena Vista, MGM. Warner was the only studio releasing in both HD DVD and BD but announced on Jan 4th it would drop HD DVD. Since then it has been downhill for HD DVD.

    7-After May 2008 only Dreamworks, Paramount and Universal will still be making HD DVDs. All three were "exclusive" to HD DVD with no BD movies comming from these studios but announced after Warner chose Blu-Ray that ther were no longer "exclusive" to HD DVD anymore. They haven't announced any BD movies yet though.

    Many websites are announcing the death of HD DVD.

  2. i think you should check these sites out and you might find out

  3. wow so the answers before me were full of so much useless information haha. Not being mean but its the truth. Blu- ray and hd are both high definition players that broadcast in 1080p. Blu ray will play blu ray dvds and regular dvds and hd players will play hd and regular. In my experience blu ray is a little sharper and clearer of a picture. Hd looks a little grainy. Now if you look at blu ray there are several companies making them such as sony, sharp, samsung, and lg which are some of the top brands, compared to hd which there are only few that make them. Also disney is releasing in blu ray and disney is one of the biggest businesses in the world so it definitally looks like blu ray is the best.

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